Estudió Relaciones Laborales en la Universidad Jaime I de Castellón, en 1989, desde que tenía 9 años de edad por tradición familiar, comenzó a practicar la caza de la conservación deportiva noble en todas sus formas participando en todo tipo de cacerías como acompañante.
Posteriormente en los primeros años de los noventa comenzó a ordenar territorios próximos a la Reserva Nacional de Tortosa Beceite para la caza de Macho Montés.
Ha participado en miles de cacerías que acompañan a las personas más importantes del mundo. La experiencia acumulada brinda garantía de seguridad y calidad en todo tipo de objetivos de caza. Ha viajado practicando la caza deportiva en más de 60 países en todo el mundo, obteniendo una colección de más de 160 especies diferentes.
Today, I am the one who is in charge of the company. I am proud member of the Safari Club International – Iberian Chapter. My main objective is to fulfill the dreams of any hunter, and most important of all; do so in an ethical, responsible and sustainable way. For it, we own and manage the best hunting areas (100,000 ha of land) in the province of Castellón and Teruel, obtaining extraordinary results in terms of quality and guarantee. We own our first-class hunting lodge and we are specialized in all the big game hunts throughout the Iberian Peninsula, as well as driven hunts for red-legged partridge.
If you want to live an authentic hunting adventure in Spain, do not hesitate to contact us.
Jose Luis Falomir
Why hunt with us?
La Espadella has been a Professional Spanish Outfitter for over 30 years. Since 1989 we have guided hunters to the finest hunts available in all of Spain.
Our privately owned 250,000 acres borders the Tortosa Beceite National Refuge. We hunt OUR land! We manage OUR land! We know OUR land! Our privately property teams with an abundance of Beceite Ibex, Red Stag, Iberian Mouflon, and multiple other game.
Lodging is in our privately owned First Class Mountain Lodge. Each guest will have an en-suite room with private bath. Gourmet meals and fine wine are award winning in nature.
Due to our hunting location, hunting of our land, our professional guides, and our years of experience, we have and continue to be 100% successful on our totally free ranging Beceite Ibex.